‘How are you?’ A question so ubiquitous, you hardly realize that you answer that everyday at least a dozen of times. However the only answers you might have heard or answered might be ‘very good’ or ‘very bad’, or variations therein. However, the answer that I have been wanting to answer for some time now is ‘I don’t know!’
For sometime I have been encountering a strange & confused feeling. Not to say I’m feeling neutral (somewhere between very good and very bad), but more like ‘I can’t decide’. I call this ‘vague perplexity’. Just in case somebody is interested in reading further; here are some symptoms of this advanced syndrome:
1. It starts when somebody asks you casually, ‘how are you?’ and you are bewildered as to what to answer. If you say good, you feel you’re over optimistic, and if you say bad, you start wondering, ‘why am I bad? What’s bothering me? Are my problems so big?’ Yes, the best answer to the question, in question, would be ‘I am ok’. However, you will still think after answering that, ‘I am not ok’. Worse still the second person might be a bit too poky and might want to ask- ‘Why just ok? Why not great? What are you facing?’
2. You feel very much like doing something (e.g. you buy a book you had been planning to read for a long time, for your upcoming travel plans). But when the actual time of travel comes and you open the book, your excitement dies down. You do not feel doing the planned activity anymore in spite of absolutely no change in the circumstances.
3. This is a stumper! You start seeing good points in bad things (or people) or bad points in good things (or people). Your confusion in life is accentuated. You start thinking a lot and every time without any substantial result!
4. You want time alone; to think through things or in refined intellectual terms- introspection. You long for your own time when you are with friends, colleagues, etc. When you are actually alone, you start missing people around you. All the thoughts of introspection go down the drain and you start catching up with friends over phone! Howzzat?
5. When you are actually alone and start your introspective journey, you think a lot. Thinking about how to solve the problem, what’s the best solutions only to find there are no solutions. Or worse still, there were no problems to start with. It adds heaps to the already existing confusions!
Well, to me all this is certainly strange. Please share your similar experiences & if possible any viable solutions. The only problem is, I do not know the problem, I am asking the solution for.