1. It's good for the environment! Till the time petrol and diesel becomes exorbitantly dear, people will not even notice the alternatives to these fossil fuels. This is true both from the customer perspective and the automobile companies perspective.
Most people are not aware of electric technology used for automobiles which is absolutely emission free. Even if they are slightly aware they will sideline it with ridiculous logic like- 'what happens if i run out of electricity while on road?' Don't you have to plan accordingly for any other fuel? And electricity is actually easy to 'refill', at the convenience of your home or office.
The companies are oblivious of the environment friendly technology because of demand mismatch (the customer is not interested so why should i) and of course because if they plan to introduce new technologies they have to invest in R&D and new production lines etc. So 'we will think about how to cross the bridge when it comes'. Though companies which are smart know this new technology is going to be the future and thus have started working on the alternative fuel technologies for their cars. Many cars now come with factory fitted CNG kits and other will have electric versions of existing models in another couple of years.
2. My second point is very simple. Why should government pay for the fuel you and me use in our vehicles? And when they are withdrawing it we are raising such hue and cry over it! We don't expect government to subsidise our food items, our restaurant bills, our property and real estate, our designer dresses etc. Then why petrol? It is not our constitutional birthright to ask our government to cover us from the global price rise in petroleum products. And please understand, our government does not subsidise these prices by taking a cut from the salary of our minsters or IAS officers, it is our money, that we pay through various taxes to government. So whichever way (through government subsidy or paying directly for dearer fuels), it's your and my hard earned money! I feel it's wise to switch away from Petrol.
3. This is the only way we will realise the value of petrol! And I feel we are still miles away from realising it's value. So we see people at traffic signals not wanting to switch off their engines even if the light is for 3-4 minutes. People do not switch off their engines while they get out of their car, to buy a cigarette or to buy flowers or for that matter anything else. The other day i saw a man park his scooter on a street, engine on, and go in to a store to buy apples! And he had no compunction in doing so. Once the same petrol becomes Rs. 250 a litre, i am sure he will not dare to even think leaving his scooter with engine on!
4. Only when the people and thus the government realise that petrol is not a viable option anymore will they start investing more money and efforts in R&D for alternative fuels. And the sooner this research happens and results start pouring the soon we can implement them. Because accept it or not, alternative fuels are the only options for the future, so better start early. Although i can not quote exact figures, but many countries around the globe have already started to use alternative fuels for their own good.
5. When was the last time you travelled in a public transport bus or Metro? Yeah, i know, it's not that viable because the metro station is a little far from your office and you will have to walk to office from the metro station. What the environment requires is not for you to plant a tree once an year and feed it with water on every weekend, but something more serious, some thing more sacrificing, like resting your car and taking public transport (Metro or Bus) and walking those 5-10 mins to reach office from the Metro station or Bus stop. When executives in China and Japan can cycle to work why can't Indians even take a bus or Metro? I think even cycling isn't too bad an option for people who have offices close to their homes. You save the environment, help us reduce our dependence on Petrol and cycling can help you stay fit!
6. Last but not the least, we need all this simply because we are not an oil producing nation. We need to import oil to meet our demands and the price of everything we buy revolves around petrol and diesel prices. That is why every price goes for a toss when the petrol prices increase. Imagine if we reduce our dependence on these petroleum products we could kind of detach our economy from whatever happens in UAE, Iraq or US (to some extent). We would not have to worry about the price of vegetables increasing, if petrol prices rise. We as a country would be more self sufficient than we are today.
This is what i think!!!
one chota point...
ReplyDeleteif the price of fuel goes up to a very high level then the transportation cost of goods would increase to a similar extent and essential goods like food etc would increase. also the cost of public transport would increase.
That's the whole point! That is why we need to decrease our dependence on Petrol and diesel. You see we need to appreciate the fact that we can not control petrol prices so we should think and implement ways of reducing our dependence on it. And believe me it is not that dificult if everyone (people, consumers, government, interest groups) take it forward.